Welcome to How to Start a Medical Podcast where I break down the steps necessary to start a medical podcast into a systems-based approach. My goal with this podcast is to increase the number of medical podcasts available.
My name is Pharmacy Joe. I am a board certified clinical pharmacist and the host of The Elective Rotation – A Critical Care Pharmacy Podcast.
To get a 3 page free pdf of all the resources I use to podcast, head over to howtostartamedicalpodcast.com.
In this episode I’ll discuss the 3 most common reasons that hold someone back from creating a podcast.
I don’t like the sound of my voice
The first reason is “I don’t like the sound of my voice”. I’ve got news for you – no one likes the sound of their voice the first time they hear it played back. Your entire life you’ve heard your voice conducted through your body to your ears. It sounds significantly different the first time you hear yourself on a recording. This is just something you’ll need to get over. It happens to everybody so don’t let it hold you back from podcasting!
Imposter syndrome
The second reason is something called imposter syndrome. If you find yourself thinking “Who am I to have a podcast? Who would want to listen to me? I don’t feel like an expert.” then you have imposter syndrome! The good news is that imposter syndrome is all in your head and the cure is simple – just start your podcast! Here’s why:
Even though I launched The Elective Rotation to an audience of zero, I now have over 20,000 downloads and receive many emails thanking me for the podcast. Here are just two examples of emails I have received:
I wanted you to know I truly appreciate all your time and resources spent in continuing this website/podcast. It has certainly impacted my professional and personal growth as a future healthcare professional in the best way possible!
Thank you for your passion to teach and share. I feel EXTREMELY fortunate to have found you! Thank you ever so much for all these clinical pearls and suggestions. I am most GRATEFUL.
You have a unique set of experiences that is valuable to others. You are the expert in the way you do things. You owe it to yourself to get your expertise or opinion out there because it will truly improve the lives of others who listen to you.
Being intimidated by technology
The third reason is being intimidated by technology. Yes you’ll need a microphone and to learn how to use some new software. Don’t worry – podcasting uses the same skills as Skyping with your mom, copy/pasting in a word processor program, and uploading a photo to Facebook.
In the next episode, I’ll talk about a solution I created to flatten the learning curve for starting a medical podcast so that you can get your podcast launched fast without wasting time or money on things that don’t work.
To get a 3 page free pdf of all the resources I use to podcast, head over to howtostartamedicalpodcast.com.
Thank you for listening, I’ll see you in the next episode.
Learn How To Start a Medical Podcast
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